Over the years of administering microneedling treatments, I’ve discovered a remarkable enhancement when I combine microneedling with a peel session. While it may seem like a lot for your skin to endure, it all boils down to the precise percentages, acid strengths, and, most importantly, the choice of ingredients.

There’s a diverse range of acids available, each offering unique benefits to the skin. When you combine acids known for promoting skin health and rejuvenation, the result is excellent in terms of resurfacing dead skin cells and combating congestion without causing downtime, such as flaking or peeling.

Microneedling boasts numerous skin benefits, but what makes it intricate is the technique we perform. Microneedling triggers your body’s natural healing response by simulating minor injuries to the skin. This stimulation promotes blood circulation to targeted areas, along with healthy blood cells, facilitating healing and repair. The ‘micro’ in microneedling refers to the tiny needles used, which, when correctly applied, stimulate collagen and elastin production. Microneedling effectively addresses fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation issues, acne scarring, sunspots, pitted scars, and much more.

The purpose of these tiny needles is to create channels in the skin, enabling better product penetration. This advantage allows us to use safe and effective active ingredients that penetrate deeper, addressing those underlying skin concerns. At AR Aesthetics, we customize your treatments to suit your specific skin needs. For instance, when treating acne scarring and pigmentation, we select serums tailored to these concerns in conjunction with our microneedling procedure.

Now that you have a better understanding of microneedling, let’s delve into why the combination of these treatments works so effectively. It’s crucial to bear in mind that your skin is your body’s largest organ, and how you care for it is as important as caring for your other organs. As we age, our skin’s cell turnover tends to slow down due to years of exposure to external factors, such as sunlight, injuries, burns, cuts, bacteria, and varying environmental conditions.

This slowing of the skin’s natural renewal process results in a buildup of dead skin cells, leading to dullness, congestion, and clogged pores. The accumulation of dead skin creates uneven texture and can result in a grey or ashy complexion. Peels play a pivotal role in removing this buildup, promoting cell rejuvenation, smoothing and evening out texture. They contain a combination of acids that effectively resurface dead skin, allowing us to work on the fresh layer underneath, maximizing the benefits of microneedling.

I’ve achieved remarkable results with this combination, but it’s essential to consider the types of acids used, their strengths, and the precise techniques employed when performing microneedling treatments.